Everyone Gets Paid on Vetify - It’s Better, Faster & Cheaper

At Vetify, we’re here to elevate the job market ecosystem by empowering every player involved: companies, job seekers, and experienced professionals.

Vetify assists companies in recruiting exclusive top-tier, expert-vetted talent by creating a mentorship marketplace, where experienced professionals help vet, assess, and refer outstanding talent. And everyone gets paid in the process

Vetters makes $12k
Talent makes $3.6k
Vetify makes $2.7k
Company saves $19k

* Company pays a sourcing fee to Vetify of only 12% of the candidate’s first year salary of 150k.

How it Works

How it Works

Elevating the Job Market Ecosystem, so that everyone wins

Whether you’re currently working, looking to hire, or searching for a job Vetify, is your one stop shop

Companies gets a better fit by spending

Companies gets a better fit by spending

Hire quickly and confidently when Vetify gives you access to an exclusive group of expert Vetted, top tier talent, or ask Vetify to personally curate an elite list of talent that are guaranteed to be a great fit for your job opening. Save hundreds of hours interviewing mediocre candidates, and save thousands of dollars by paying less than half of the industry standard head hunting fee. You won’t find this quality of talent anywhere else

Job Seekers - Talent

Job Seekers - Talent gets paid for finding a job

Get paid to get hired. Jump start your job hunting process by getting vetted by industry experts. Once you’re approved, Vetify will automatically apply you to companies where your talents can shine. Get access to free, peer-to-peer mock interviews so you can practice. Every time you’re hired through our platform, Vetify will pay you a lump sum from the hiring company’s sourcing fee. Get access to our elite group of industry expert Vetters, who provide on-demand mentorship, mock interviews, and resume feedback - and get the chance to become a vetter yourself!.

Professionals - Vetters

Professionals - Vetters for your experience

If you’re a professional with at least 2 years of experience, you can help job seekers land their dream careers, and get paid in the process! Conduct 30-minute interviews with job seekers to assess their skills. Every time one of your vetted job seekers gets hired, Vetify will pay you a lump sum from the hiring company’s sourcing fee. And in the meantime, Vetify helps you get paid for the experience you’ve gained, the knowledge you share, by providing mentorship, mock interviews, and resume reviews to job seekers.

Our process - How we work

We believe in efficiency and maximizing our resources to provide the best value to our clients. The primary way we do that is by re-using the same five projects we’ve been developing for the past decade.


Get paid by companies to vet, assess, and refer top-tier talent! ​

Help vet a candidate’s skills before they enter the interview pipeline. Conduct short, 30 minute interviews with talent and assess their skills.   Every time one of the candidates you’ve vetted is hired, you will receive a lump sum from the sourcing fee paid by the company. 

At the same time, coach and mentor job seekers! Vetify also helps you get paid for:

  1. 1. Resume reviews
  2. 2. Mock interviews
  3. 3. Short consultations
  4. 4. Becoming a Mentor
  5. 5. Finding skilled talent to refer to your own company
  6. 6. Helping vet talent for companies looking to hire


Skip the cover letters and the recruiter calls. Get your skills verified by industry experts, let Vetify do the rest, and get paid in the process

Vetify gives you VIP access to our elite group of Vetters, who are a group of thoroughly verified industry experts in your field. Our vetters work for you. They will mentor you, review your resume, conduct mock interviews, and most importantly, they will conduct short, 30 minute interviews to assess & verify your skills, so that you can get hired by your favorite companies.

Get paid to get hired! Vetify will pay you a lump sum from the sourcing fee paid by the company. every time you’re hired through Vetify.Once your skills are expert-verified, Vetify will auto-apply you to positions where you’re the best fit, and prove to your dream companies that you’re the right person for the job.

Vetify also gives you access to free, peer-to-peer mock interviews, so you can practice as much as you like


Less interviews, better candidates, and faster hires - that’s what Vetify all about.

At Vetify, we know how difficult, and how important to it is, to hire the best talent. That’s why Vetify gives you VIP access to our elite group of expert-vetted talent. Each of the talent on our platform are rigorously evaluated by our Vetters, who are a group of thoroughly verified industry experts. Our vetters do the hard work for you. They conduct numerous interviews with talent in order to vet and verify that the talent actually possesses and excels in, the skills that you need them to have.

Find expert-vetted talent on our platform, or hire quickly and confidently when Vetify personally curates an elite list talent that are guaranteed to be a great fit for your job opening. Save hundreds of hours interviewing mediocre candidates, and save thousands of dollars by paying less than half of the industry standard head hunting fee

Our values - Balancing reliability and innovation

We strive to stay at the forefront of emerging trends and technologies, while completely ignoring them and forking that old Rails project we feel comfortable using. We stand by our core values to justify that decision.

  • Meticulous. The first part of any partnership is getting our designer to put your logo in our template. The second step is getting them to do the colors.
  • Efficient. We pride ourselves on never missing a deadline which is easy because most of the work was done years ago.
  • Adaptable. Every business has unique needs and our greatest challenge is shoe-horning those needs into something we already built.
  • Honest. We are transparent about all of our processes, banking on the simple fact our clients never actually read anything.
  • Loyal. We foster long-term relationships with our clients that go beyond just delivering a product, allowing us to invoice them for decades.
  • Innovative. The technological landscape is always evolving and so are we. We are constantly on the lookout for new open source projects to clone.

Tell us about your project

Vetify is an Amazing Platform that is going to change the way we hire and get hired.

Empowered AI

Services - We help you identify, explore and respond to new opportunities.

As long as those opportunities involve giving everyone a fair peice of the pie.

  • Recruit exclusive, top tier talent, for a fraction of the cost.. Conduct less interviews, find better candidates, and complete faster hires. Let vetify do the hard work of screening qualified candidates - so you can focus on the hiring .
  • Get paid to get hired.. Less cover letters, less interviews, and more jobs. Get vetted by industry experts, and let Vetify auto-apply you to jobs where you’d be the perfect fit. Get paid a lump sum percentage of the sourcing fee every time you’re hired through Vetify, and get access to mentorship, career coaching, and free peer-to-peer mock interviews
  • Let your experience pay for itself.. Vet and assess job candidates and get paid a lump sum percentage of the sourcing fee every time your candidate gets hired. At the same time, let motivated job seekers pay you to help with resume reviews, mock interviews, and career coaching
  • It pays to play for both teams. If you’re one of our industry expert Vetters, become a job seeker whenever you’re looking for a new opportunity. And if you sign up as a job seeker, get vetified and join our exclusive group of Vetters! Vetify will always protect your information, and keep you anonymous as long as you want to be

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